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Some references

From translations and proofreading to writing original content and developing specific marketing campaigns.

Schweizerischer Plattenverband

Translation of various communications, newsletters, technical factsheets, and project documents for the Schweizerischen Plattenverband (SPV). Specialization in technical terminology in the construction industry. The association, based in Dagmersellen, generates content in German and is represented in the Italian-speaking area by the Ticino section.


Bazzi -  Art & Solutions

Content creation and management

As part of my duties as marketing manager, I was able to give free rein to my creativity and experience and build an online shop from scratch for the sale of bathroom furniture and cleaning products. The shop, like the entire communication of Bazzi - Art & Solutions, is bilingual: Italian and German.

Lines of my Life, by Cynthia Koskinen

For this project, I had the honor of working with the American artist and author Cynthia Koskinen to complete her vernissage in Muralto by translating her words. I had the opportunity to bring her words, initially written in English and German, back to life in Italian.


40th Anniversary Brigata Scout Locarno

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Scout Group Brigata Scout Locarno, I had the opportunity to participate in the editing and creation of the project Scoutismo2030, including posters and social campaign: a careful editorial and textual work involving the more than 150 active members as well as the media and the local authorities.

Various communications

MSdS – Swiss Guide and Scout Movement

"Once a scout, always a scout!", and so, even after hanging up my scout scarf, I continue to contribute to the scouting world, translating and proofreading a variety of texts, from newsletters for active members to more technical dossiers and handbooks for leaders and section leaders. 



Some impressions

dossier 2030
lines of my life
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